Cosmetic Dentistry

Teeth Whitening :

Csmetic Dentistry - Teeth Whitening ,Kolhapur

You deserve a bright confident smile, professional in-office teeth whitening is safe, simple and one of the fastest ways to improve the beauty of your smile.

Anti Aging Dentistry :

Anti Aging Cosmetic Treatment Kolhapur

With the evolving dental cosmetic services and increasing demands of the patients we are emerging into offering Anti-aging dental services.

As age advances the skin and the muscles start loosing their tonicity and firmness. There is a typical sunken appearance of the lower face after the age of 35. As the age advances further the upper teeth become less visible and only the lower teeth are seen. In some patients the side effects of aging are seen due to severe wear of teeth, due to which they appear weak and yellowish.

This can be corrected by combining cosmetic dental procedures and facial cosmetic procedures. Botox and Dermal Fillers can give a volume to the face and reduce its sunken and dull appearance.

Laminates & Veneers :

General Dentistry - Laminates & Veneers ,Kolhapur

You no longer need to hide your smile because of gaps, chips, stains or misshapped teeth. With laminates & Veneers you can easily correct your teeth imperfections to help you have a more confident beautiful smile. Laminates and veneers are natural in appearance and are a perfect option for patients wanting to make minor adjustments to look and feel good of their smile.

They are thin, custom made shell like made from tooth coloured materials (such as porcelain) designed to cover the front side of tooth. Your teeth has to be prepared to achieve a desired model of your teeth to send it to the laboratory. While Veneers are stain resistant your doctor may recommend that you have to avoid coffee, tea, red wine & tobacco to maintain tobeauty of your new smile.

Full Mouth construction :

General Dentistry - Full Teeth Reconstruction ,Kolhapur

It is a complete process of rebuilding or simultaneously restoring all the teeth in both the upper and lower jaws. Different dental specialties are involved to treat the entire oral cavity for reconstruction. Full mouth reconstruction is generally needed to be done for

  • Teeth that have been lost due to decay or trauma.
  • Teeth that have been injured or fractured.
  • Teeth that have become severely worn as a result of long – term acid erosion or tooth grinding.
  • Ongoing complaint of head, jaw & muscle pain requiring adjustment to the bite.

Dental Jewellery :

General Dentistry - Dental Jwellary ,Kolhapur

Are you looking for adding a spark to your smile? Then get chasing the latest trend… This is dental jewellary which helps you to get a glamorous smile.

Bridal dentistry :

General Dentistry - Bridal Dentistry ,Kolhapur

On the wedding day - The bride and the groom are the most important people. Infact they are the stars of the day. There are a lot of details which demand attention. Besides makeup, hair style, clothing and jewelry there is one thing that everyone will notice on this special day – YOUR SMILE. A whiter, brighter smile can help you feel more comfortable.

Cosmetic services which can be utilized by bride and bride–groom includes :

A bridge may be used to replace missing teeth, help maintain the shape of your face and alleviates stress on your face.

  • Teeth whitening - For Brighter Smile
  • Orthodontics - For Straighter Smile
  • Laminates and veneers - For Discoloured, Chipped or Crooked Teeth
  • Oral hygiene Appointment - for Clean and Fresh Breadth
  • Dental jewelry - for Glamorous Smile
  • Botox & Fillers - For Younger Smile

Facial Rejuvenation Procedures :

Botox and Fillers

Botox and Fillers

Botox and fillers are injections which are used in cosmetic procedures designed to reduce the signs of aging. The process of aging leaves its marks on face . Botulinum toxin is a natural purified protein that is used to temporarily relax facial muscles that cause lines and wrinkles on face. It can also be used to treat few medical conditions like excessive sweating and TMJ pain.As we age the natural collagen and elastin in the skin lessens,as cells loose their ability to produce more of their youthful component.The skin becomes thinner, dryer and less able to fix itself. To lift and smooth the targeted folds and wrinkles adding subtle volume,dermal fillers can can make a difference to a persons appearance, giving them a fresher look.This procedure involves injecting the naturally occuring product through tiny needles.

PRP Facelities ( Vampire Facelities )

PRP FaceliFT ( Vampire FaceLIFT)

The PRP Facelift (Platelet Rich Plasma) commonly known as the Vampire facelift is a procedure used to create a more rejuvenated and youthful look. It simply involves withdrawing patients own blood and processing it to create "Platelet Rich Plasma" and injecting it into wrinkles or in sunken areas of face. This is all natural procedure giving you results which will help to give you a youthful facelift.

Gummy Smile Correction (Gum lift and Contouring)

Gummy Smile Correction (Gum lift and Contouring)

This procedure involves giving a shape of your teeth. It is usuaaly done in cases of excessive display of gums during speech, smiling and laughing.
